Reflection Moment: RANT, REFLECT & RECHARGE

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Révolutionnaire Team

Based on the current events happening all around the world, we ask ourselves so many questions: WHY is that happening? WHY is the media covering so much horrible news from other countries? WHY are we not doing anything? or more-so, HOW can I help? 


From all this thinking and questioning, we as humans are entitled to feel and to have mixed reactions by the devastating news that we view. In this, it is necessary to take a moment of reflection and to really come to an understanding that we can comprehend ourselves, in which taking a pause is part of the understanding process.


Throughout the beginning of the week, immediately following Monday morning the media was full of two horrific events that had occurred over the weekend. One being the Haiti Earthquake that left many without a home and an increasing toll of both injured and deceased individuals. Second, the seize of Afghanistan from the Taliban and how panic spread worldwide from the information received of its own government fleeing the scene. From these two events that occurred and that are currently still happening on the afterwards, we can no longer excuse the fact that media is unavoidable. Even though, we could try to "avoid it" or "ignore it" the events still occurred and nothing could be change from that-unfortunately. 


Personally speaking, when I heard the news of what occurred on the BBC podcast I was immediately overwhelmed and "shocked" to say the least. When I heard the increasing death toll from the earthquake in Haiti, I was immediately felt sorrow for all of the citizens and overall, just saddened by the mere thought of losing a loved-one over a natural disaster. Afterwards hearing that, I discover that Taliban has taken control over of Afghanistan and I was so stunned over the fact that it happened in an INSTANT. I had assumed that the war in the middle east had ended years ago, but I was immediately corrected and just thinking about the Taliban taking control really frightened me. Not only this, but thinking of their ideas and morals towards certain issues really made me fear for the safety of all-children, women, and men who didn't fit their "criteria."


Eventually following, I had to take a breather and ultimately made me realize so many questions? We ask so much why's but never how's-or in this case, myself. I feel that we have so many platforms that we could use to speak UP, speak AGAINST, or speak WITH. It all takes a click, so I'm asking YOU take a moment and reflect on the current issues all around-big or SMALL.


Feel free to use this space to rant, reflect and recharge on the many current events that are surrounding our planet.


Thank you




Leslie, thank you so much for sharing your thoughtful reflections on this really tough week. I don't even know where to begin sometimes. All I can say is I'm really really thankful for this community committed to supporting one another and working through these challenges one day at a time. It's also super important to check in on one another and be honest with ourselves. 


For me personally, if someone joins a Zoom and asks me how I'm doing on a tough day, I'm not afraid to respond honestly and say "Not great, feeling pretty affected by X. How are you feeling?" One thing I've appreciated about the pandemic is how many of us are willing to open up to each other just a little bit more, making us all feel less alone as we navigate these uncertain times. 

Visionary I

Thanks for bringing this up @Lperez - I personally logged out of Instagram this week and threw myself into this amazing book, Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot


It felt weird to kind of unplug, but pretty necessary right now for me personally. And I'll ease my way back into it over the coming weeks. 



@Stella yes! Taking a step back from Instagram and the news is what we need sometimes. Recharging can be difficult at first but it is so important to ensure that our efforts are sustainable. Hood Feminism sounds super interesting - will  check that out!

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Révolutionnaire Team

This book is on my shelf and next up on my reading list! Looking forward to having my brain in that space. 

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Révolutionnaire Team

Leslie, I really appreciate your ability to articulate how you are feeling! I’m feeling stuck between anger, sadness, and helplessness remembering how I felt as a kid when the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and seeing what is happening now.