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Révolutionnaire Team

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Sign this petition to demand that microplastic usage is banned


Microplastics are “small pieces of plastic, less than 5 mm (0.2 inches) in length, that occur in the environment as a consequence of plastic pollution.” (Kara Rogers


Not only are these plastics dangerous to marine animals that ingest them, but they also present an issue for human beings. According to Andrea Thompson, microplastics can harbor hazardous chemicals and pesticides, which can damage organs, compromise the function of the immune system, and adversely affect growth and reproduction. The damage doesn’t stop there. According to a report from the World Health Organisation, microplastics are found almost everywhere in the environment, including oceans, waste and freshwater, food, air, and in both bottled and tap water.


We must urge our representatives to follow the lead of the European Union and ban these harmful micro plastics. 


Sign this petition to demand that our representatives ban the use of microplastics. 


To sign this petition,  click the “Sign” button. 


To learn more about microplastics, click the “Learn More” button.