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Révolutionnaire Team

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Sign this petition to demand that "Stand Your Ground" laws are repealed


Since 2005, 25 states including Texas, Georgia, and Florida (see complete list below) have passed a “Stand Your Ground Law”.


The Stand Your Ground law gives an individual “no duty to retreat from the situation before resorting to deadly force; not limited to your home, place of work, etc”. Despite concern from many, including law enforcement, that the law would allow people committing a crime to shoot first and then claim self-defense later, the law was implemented. 


Most recently in March 2021, South Dakota intensified their law to presume that anyone who unlawfully enters a home or vehicle that is not their own is doing so with the intent to use force or violence, a move which will likely face legal challenge and may be unconstitutional (source).  


Outside of constitutionality, the real cost of these laws is both that homicides increase, and that attorneys are less willing to bring lawsuits involving self-defense laws because they are more difficult to win.


Sign this petition to demand that Stand Your Ground Laws be repealed in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia. 


Click the “Sign” button to sign this petition. 


Click the “Learn More” button to learn more about stand your ground laws.