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Mass Shootings

By Kamille John


Mass shootings have become a shocking part of reality. It is now quite common to tune into news outlets, only to be apprised of yet another senseless act of violence, that changes the lives of so many instantly. Mass shootings have become so prevalent, that the Congressional Research Service has recently defined it as “a multiple homicide incident in which four or more victims are murdered with firearms, within one event, and in one or more locations in close proximity.” (Krouse and Richardson


These incidents have become especially notable in the United States. In a study by  The Washington Post, not including shootings tied to robbery or domestic shootings, there have been 187 such shootings in which four or more people have been killed since 1966 that have resulted in the deaths of more than 1,300 people. Those are indeed scary statistics. Although the US does own a disproportionately large percentage of all mass shootings in the world, there have been incidents in other countries including China, Russia, Germany, Canada and Finland. (Palazzolo and Flynn)


Some of these shootings are motivated by hate, such – the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in 2016 or racism – the Charleston Church Massacre in 2015, while others remain a guessing game like those at the Columbine High School and the Sandy Hook Elementary School. One thing is for certain, no matter the cause, the effects are always the same: loss, devastation, fear and pain.


The prevalence of these incidents has given rise to conversations about stricter gun laws, a culture of gun safety predicated on training and licensing, public health solutions and a more streamlined focus on mental health and safety. (Prevention Institute) It is clear that action must be taken to reduce the number of mass shootings and restore a general sense of well-being in communities.



  • Mass shootings occur when four or more people are murdered with a firearm, within one event, and in one or more locations in close proximity.
  • Mass shootings have taken place in several countries around the world, although they are most prevalent in the United States. 
  • There are varying causes from mass shootings such as hate or racism.
  • In order to fight this occurrence, there must be stricter gun laws, a culture of gun safety, and a more streamlined focus on mental health and safety.

CNN (2012). Sandy Hook Shooting: What Happened? Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2012/12/us/sandy-hook-timeline/index.html

Fitzsimons, T., (2018). What Really Happened That Night at Pulse. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/what-really-happened-night-pulse-n882571

Krouse, W., Richardson, D., (2015). Mass Murder with Firearms: Incidents and Victims, 1999-2013. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44126.pdf

Palazzolo, J., Flynn, A., (2015). U.S. Leads World in Mass Shootings. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-leads-world-in-mass-shootings-1443905359

Prevention Institute (n.d.). Gun Violence Must Stop. Here’s What We Can Do to Prevent More Deaths. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.preventioninstitute.org/focus-areas/preventing-violence-and-reducing-injury/preventing-v...

Renaud, T., (2020). 5 Years Later: Remembering the Victims and Survivors of the Emanuel AME Church Shooting. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.counton2.com/charleston-church-shooting/5-years-later-remembering-the-victims-and-surviv...

Sharpiro, E., (2019). 20 years after Columbine, what's changed -- and what hasn't -- for school shootings in America. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://abcnews.go.com/US/20-years-columbine-changed-school-shootings-america/story?id=62248885

Smart, R., Schell, T., (2021). Mass Shootings in the United States. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/essays/mass-shootings.html#fn2

The Washington Post (2021). The Terrible Numbers That Grow with Each Mass Shooting. Retrieved 27.04.2021 from https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/mass-shootings-in-america/



Révolutionnaire Team Révolutionnaire Team
Révolutionnaire Team

Do you all think that the implementation of mental health officials within our schools could help diminish the number of mass shootings in our educational institutions? I truly think this implementation could push us one step forward and save hundreds of lives.

Révolutionnaire Team Révolutionnaire Team
Révolutionnaire Team

@Lethan yes absolutely. There is an overwhelming amount of police presence in schools across the country and not enough mental health professionals. I was reading an article on here about that. I don't know why people keep glazing over the issue of mental health and allowing these mass shootings to continue when we are hearing over and over again how many of them are a direct result of mental health challenges.