


Sign this Petition to  Demand that the CDC Invest in Gun Violence Research


The Centre for Disease Control reports that in 2019, 39,707 people died from firearm-related deaths. Similar to other complex issues, adequate research funding for gun violence is imperative to get to the root of the problem and develop meaningful solutions - solutions that can save lives.


Following the Dickey Amendment of 1996, funding for gun violence research in the United States came to a near-complete halt. Until 2020, there was a two-decade-long freeze on federal funding for gun violence research. Experts report that for decades research allocations were 2% of what they should be given the magnitude of gun violence  While a recent allocation of $26 million to the CDC and NIH in fiscal year 2020 marks a sign in the right direction, further investments in gun violence prevention research are imperative to get to the root of the problem and develop meaningful solutions - solutions that can save lives.


Click the "Sign" button below to sign this petition. 

Click the "Learn More" button for more information on gun violence research funding restrictions.